Brustro coloured fineliners are just the perfect set of coloured pens which are suitable for school children, hobbyists and artists alike. They are great for taking down notes, doodling, underlining, drawing, colouring as well as for mixed media, mandalas and giving fine details to artworks.
The assortment of 12 vibrant colours are carefully selected to cover the wide colour spectrum. The coloured cap with matching rear plugs indicates the shade of the ink in the fineliner. The special bullet type fibre tips helps to write and draw from many angles. This set contains 12 fine liners in the following nib sizes and shades for precise line widths:0.4 mm.
Yellow, red, burgundy, coral, magenta, violet, turquoise, light green, ultramarine, brown, graphite & black. Brustro provides finest papers for drawing, sketching and pastel work. Free Brustro Bristol ultra smooth paper A5 pack 24 sheets worth Rs 198