- These willow charcoals are smooth and has deep black hue , Its erasable , blendable and has a great tonal value .
- A natural product made from the willows grown on the farms of England, Brustro English Willow Charcoal are produced keeping the sanctity of tradition, modern techniques and environment alive. This indispensable requisite for every art enthusiast provides uniform texture and great tonal values to satiate every eye.
- Willow charcoal is a long and thin charcoal stick that is the result of burning willow sticks in a kiln without air. It is made from the twigs of willow trees, burned to a degree of precise hardness for drawing.
- Brustro English Willow Charcoal Assorted ( 15 Sticks ) - (15 sticks) An assortment of 15 sticks of various diameters ranging from 3mm -12mm